The stern doors have now been fitted and look very nice, in retaliation the side hatch has decided to leak with vengeance over the last week. Oh well, up ward and onward.
Not boat related - but new year related I have decided that each year I want to increase my abilities. I am not built towards energetic items, but more to hobbyish things. I sew, knit, tat crochet etc, so I have decided to revisit a couple of hobbies I last done about 35 year ago. Spinning and Weaving.
Obviously all of this does relate to the boat in the sense that if I wish to continue I have to make sure items not to big for the boat. Research is fun!!
I have now chosen a wheel, a basic loom and a more advance loom. All which fold into neat bundles for the boat. I then re acquainted myself with spindle spinning. At the end I looked like the sheep and not much yarn on the spindle - Try again
Also, I thought, think of all those sheep in fields along the way, and all of the fleece I could gather from hedges, heck, could I do some clandestine sheep shearing along the way!! Probably not, I believe that could be a jailable offence!!
I know I am not the first, from a magazine I found at the weekend, there is a lady on a narrowboat called "Typsy Gypsy" who is already doing both. If anyone knows of her can you point her my way, it would be great to chat.
On the downside of all of this, I think and butty is definitely becoming a consideration!!!
NB Serendipity
The life and times of the Narrow Boat Serendipity.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Saga of the new Fridge
Well I hope you are sitting comfortably and why on why do I not take photographs. It would show the difference. Hindsight is the perfect science so I am told.
At the end of August 08, after a holiday of running the Gas/12v/240v fridge through an inverter and flattening batteries because the two other methods Gas & 12V would not work, we decided to get a new Fridge.
Now I liked the idea of having the three way choice, BSC disagrees on many, and possibly quite sensible points, so the decision was a 12v.
Further investigation and after taking into consideration the hole available without having to dismantle the Kitchen, which I quite like, I settled on a WACO from Midland Chandlers. On showing hubbie the chosen one, he stated that seeing as the 12v on the other fridge didn't work, it might be an idea to give the electrics a bit of an overhaul. Seems sensible!! Also, to get old fridge off, the stern doors would need to be removed, and seeing that they need a bit of attention lets do those as well. Can you see where this is going.
When arriving at Midland Chandlers (which in it self was eventfully, see previous post) hubby went into spending overload. Cable of every shape, colour, and size was purchased, trip boxes, new sockets and plugs, etc oh and a Fridge was purchased. I tried to get a new cooker and hob that I fancied, but that was vetoed. This was on the 13th December 2008
Hubby then went down with every lurgi going, colds, flu (man) tummy bugs. You name it he had it. (personally I think the thought of all the work to do frightened the health out of him)
Work finally commenced with the stern door being removed just after Christmas. As with all jobs there is more to do than originally anticipated. When brought home, the top of the door (they are stable type ones) was found to be completely rotten and had to be remade. This set the tone for the whole of the work needing to be completed.
The electrics where found to be completely crap on the boat. The original fuse box had every fuse with at least 2, normally 3 items being put through. No wonder the lights flicker when the water pump was working!!! The cable into the boat was 10mm when it should have been 25mm, and it goes on and on.
Anyway, at the end of last week we (royal we really, as there was only space for one person in most of the gaps. I supplied biscuits coffee and food and relevant intervals) completed the following
New cable into the boat
New trip box fitted
New Isolation switch fitted
New wiring internally at the stern end.
New fridge installed
New thermostat fitted on Gas heating
New sockets and plugs fitted.
New kitchen taps fitted, (other ones failed in the cold weather, even though the water system was drained)
Still to do:-
Re fit Stern Doors
Re fit cupboard Door
Re do Bow Doors (now look tatty compared with stern, that's the way it goes)
Sort out leak on side hatch doors (feel this may be an on going life long thing)
Any way I will try to get some photos of said work, when snow allows.
Now what about that cooker and hob!!!! I think I better keep quiet.
At the end of August 08, after a holiday of running the Gas/12v/240v fridge through an inverter and flattening batteries because the two other methods Gas & 12V would not work, we decided to get a new Fridge.
Now I liked the idea of having the three way choice, BSC disagrees on many, and possibly quite sensible points, so the decision was a 12v.
Further investigation and after taking into consideration the hole available without having to dismantle the Kitchen, which I quite like, I settled on a WACO from Midland Chandlers. On showing hubbie the chosen one, he stated that seeing as the 12v on the other fridge didn't work, it might be an idea to give the electrics a bit of an overhaul. Seems sensible!! Also, to get old fridge off, the stern doors would need to be removed, and seeing that they need a bit of attention lets do those as well. Can you see where this is going.
When arriving at Midland Chandlers (which in it self was eventfully, see previous post) hubby went into spending overload. Cable of every shape, colour, and size was purchased, trip boxes, new sockets and plugs, etc oh and a Fridge was purchased. I tried to get a new cooker and hob that I fancied, but that was vetoed. This was on the 13th December 2008
Hubby then went down with every lurgi going, colds, flu (man) tummy bugs. You name it he had it. (personally I think the thought of all the work to do frightened the health out of him)
Work finally commenced with the stern door being removed just after Christmas. As with all jobs there is more to do than originally anticipated. When brought home, the top of the door (they are stable type ones) was found to be completely rotten and had to be remade. This set the tone for the whole of the work needing to be completed.
The electrics where found to be completely crap on the boat. The original fuse box had every fuse with at least 2, normally 3 items being put through. No wonder the lights flicker when the water pump was working!!! The cable into the boat was 10mm when it should have been 25mm, and it goes on and on.
Anyway, at the end of last week we (royal we really, as there was only space for one person in most of the gaps. I supplied biscuits coffee and food and relevant intervals) completed the following
New cable into the boat
New trip box fitted
New Isolation switch fitted
New wiring internally at the stern end.
New fridge installed
New thermostat fitted on Gas heating
New sockets and plugs fitted.
New kitchen taps fitted, (other ones failed in the cold weather, even though the water system was drained)
Still to do:-
Re fit Stern Doors
Re fit cupboard Door
Re do Bow Doors (now look tatty compared with stern, that's the way it goes)
Sort out leak on side hatch doors (feel this may be an on going life long thing)
Any way I will try to get some photos of said work, when snow allows.
Now what about that cooker and hob!!!! I think I better keep quiet.
Monday, 2 February 2009
Major changes!!!!
Well I haven't been very good and keeping this blog up to date, but a new year resolution is to try better. After Greygal success in dieting, it is making think that I also should take up the challenge. Well I am thinking about it!!
We had a very quiet Christmas this year, it being a year since my Dad died, and then my Nan died end of November. We closed the front door 24th Dec and did not surface until 4 days later. Very family orientated, and extremely enjoyable.
During our holiday last year, our Gas fridge developed serious warming problems. Flame was correct height and colour, but not much cold. We researched on the Internet for tips etc, followed all sorts of advice, but nothing worked. To get the unit serviced in Bristol, our only option is to remove the fridge take it a centre, and hope it can be put back without damaging it. The fridge it self came with the boat, and from paperwork it appears to be as old as the boat 17 years. So the decision was made to replace it.
I won't go through all of the process of trying to get a new gas fridge. It was horrendous and the generally opinion was get a 12v. So we did.
This was not entirely to plan. The fridge I fell in love with (if that is possible!!") was a Waco. This entailed a trip to Braunston to Midland Chandlers. This is where the fun started. Just as we stop to turn into Midland Chandlers we were re soundly hit up the back side by another Car. Luckily we were in a van, but the car that hit is was not so luckily.
Oh well, we thought we have travelled this far from Bristol, we will carry on. The upshot of this is you do not just replace a fridge, we bought everything to replace the entire electrically system from the batteries up. Cable by the drum, trip boxes, clips etc etc etc.
Now all we have to do is install the fridge, with new electrics. This has now been done, but I will leave the tale to another post. As you may gather, nothing goes to plan in our world.
We had a very quiet Christmas this year, it being a year since my Dad died, and then my Nan died end of November. We closed the front door 24th Dec and did not surface until 4 days later. Very family orientated, and extremely enjoyable.
During our holiday last year, our Gas fridge developed serious warming problems. Flame was correct height and colour, but not much cold. We researched on the Internet for tips etc, followed all sorts of advice, but nothing worked. To get the unit serviced in Bristol, our only option is to remove the fridge take it a centre, and hope it can be put back without damaging it. The fridge it self came with the boat, and from paperwork it appears to be as old as the boat 17 years. So the decision was made to replace it.
I won't go through all of the process of trying to get a new gas fridge. It was horrendous and the generally opinion was get a 12v. So we did.
This was not entirely to plan. The fridge I fell in love with (if that is possible!!") was a Waco. This entailed a trip to Braunston to Midland Chandlers. This is where the fun started. Just as we stop to turn into Midland Chandlers we were re soundly hit up the back side by another Car. Luckily we were in a van, but the car that hit is was not so luckily.
Oh well, we thought we have travelled this far from Bristol, we will carry on. The upshot of this is you do not just replace a fridge, we bought everything to replace the entire electrically system from the batteries up. Cable by the drum, trip boxes, clips etc etc etc.
Now all we have to do is install the fridge, with new electrics. This has now been done, but I will leave the tale to another post. As you may gather, nothing goes to plan in our world.
Monday, 13 October 2008
I thought I will take sometime to introduce Godrick
He is a Jack Russell crossed with a Yorkshire Terrior, and the most stubborn dog going and not a natural on the boat
I will be arranging a trip to the Vet for some gender alterations at some point due to "manic behaviour". Hopefully he will become calmer.
To actually go on holiday he had a special collar, that emited phermones that a mother dog releases when feeding (if I remember correctly). This puts Godrick in a "happy place" Valuim for dogs.
When we take him out on the boat, he refuses to settle completely and spends most of the time running from side to side, panting and moaning. With the collar on for 7 days he will start to settle. The strange thing is he will only lie on rope. I have bought the lovely beds that he will happliy use at home, but on the boat, not a chance. If he is on deck only rope will do.
He is also completely hopless at using the plank to get on and off the boat. He just falls off everytime. This has now resorted in a complete refusal to using the boarding plank. It has resorted in the most hilarious situations you can visualise. Even with a line of doggie chocs 6 inches apart leading up the bank, upto the plank and into the boat will not intice. Just a look that says "do you think I am that stupid?"
Because he is also a small dog, life jackets, even the tiny ones do not fit, so he wears a harness attached to a neon 6 foot lead that is attached to the boat. If he falls off it is short enough that he goes no where near the prop.
In light of the above, he does tend to jump ship every time we get near a bank which does cause problems if we are not mooring, but just passing other boats.
The biggest mishap happen last year. This time we were actually mooring up and my husband was off the boat with the centre line, when a dutch barge came hammering by. Out boat was sucked away from the bank. Godrick decided that he wanted land, and land now so jumped. My husband could see what was going to happen and shouted. I only caught the last part which I thought was "get the dog", he maintains he said "unhitch the dog"
So I grabbed the neon lead to lift him on board, not realising at that point our boat was about 4 foot away from the bank, well last time I look we were only 8 inches away. The resulting action was a wide eyed puppy approx 3 months old, being dragged, with his bum skimming the water into the side of boat, legs splayed. It was a real Tom and Jerry moment.
It is no wonder this dog does not like water!!!! it seems that only bad things happen when he is on the boat.
He is a Jack Russell crossed with a Yorkshire Terrior, and the most stubborn dog going and not a natural on the boat
I will be arranging a trip to the Vet for some gender alterations at some point due to "manic behaviour". Hopefully he will become calmer.
To actually go on holiday he had a special collar, that emited phermones that a mother dog releases when feeding (if I remember correctly). This puts Godrick in a "happy place" Valuim for dogs.
When we take him out on the boat, he refuses to settle completely and spends most of the time running from side to side, panting and moaning. With the collar on for 7 days he will start to settle. The strange thing is he will only lie on rope. I have bought the lovely beds that he will happliy use at home, but on the boat, not a chance. If he is on deck only rope will do.
He is also completely hopless at using the plank to get on and off the boat. He just falls off everytime. This has now resorted in a complete refusal to using the boarding plank. It has resorted in the most hilarious situations you can visualise. Even with a line of doggie chocs 6 inches apart leading up the bank, upto the plank and into the boat will not intice. Just a look that says "do you think I am that stupid?"
Because he is also a small dog, life jackets, even the tiny ones do not fit, so he wears a harness attached to a neon 6 foot lead that is attached to the boat. If he falls off it is short enough that he goes no where near the prop.
In light of the above, he does tend to jump ship every time we get near a bank which does cause problems if we are not mooring, but just passing other boats.
The biggest mishap happen last year. This time we were actually mooring up and my husband was off the boat with the centre line, when a dutch barge came hammering by. Out boat was sucked away from the bank. Godrick decided that he wanted land, and land now so jumped. My husband could see what was going to happen and shouted. I only caught the last part which I thought was "get the dog", he maintains he said "unhitch the dog"
So I grabbed the neon lead to lift him on board, not realising at that point our boat was about 4 foot away from the bank, well last time I look we were only 8 inches away. The resulting action was a wide eyed puppy approx 3 months old, being dragged, with his bum skimming the water into the side of boat, legs splayed. It was a real Tom and Jerry moment.
It is no wonder this dog does not like water!!!! it seems that only bad things happen when he is on the boat.
Photos and other things
Work seems to get in the way of everything lately.
I sat down the other day and done some of my own invoicing and found that over the last 4 weeks I have invoiced out between 53 and 68 hours per week!!, but I still don't seem to any better off?
It's no wonder I am so tired, we have only manged to get out on the boat once. The other times I have gone down to her, I sat in a chair and fell asleep. Well I am over 40 you know.
I thought I would post of few pictures from the last few months. These are from the Bristol Regatta, and the day out
These are the new blue LED lights to go with the bunting:-
Here is my daughter proving that she is still my one and only baby. Ahh

And finally here is a picture of the mutt Godrick - I think it is a case of "get me out of here. I told you I don't do boats".
"OK perhaps I don't mind so much"
Now looking all grown up steering
Guess who gets to do the locks now!!
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Countdown!! - Not the program but Bid for Freedom
I have been having one of those really bad weeks. By trade I am a mobile book keeper / accountant / Quickbooks trainer / dogsbody etc, and this week I have been trying to sort out quite a few major problems for a client - Not fun !!!
So I have resorted to a bit of future planning, but thinking about 9 year ahead seems almost a lifetime away, so I thought, being handy with numbers, I would try other ways so here you are
I have 9 years and 10 months, or 118 months, or 511 weeks. I did not go down to days as that number was t0o large.
I quite like 118 months, the number's not too large. By then the mortgage will be paid, the daughter will be 21 and probably conquering the world and me and hubbie can then enter our second childhood, and leave responsible adulthood behind. Well everyone thinks we are mad to be doing this.
Now that seems better, I'll be a good girl and run along to work now
So I have resorted to a bit of future planning, but thinking about 9 year ahead seems almost a lifetime away, so I thought, being handy with numbers, I would try other ways so here you are
I have 9 years and 10 months, or 118 months, or 511 weeks. I did not go down to days as that number was t0o large.
I quite like 118 months, the number's not too large. By then the mortgage will be paid, the daughter will be 21 and probably conquering the world and me and hubbie can then enter our second childhood, and leave responsible adulthood behind. Well everyone thinks we are mad to be doing this.
Now that seems better, I'll be a good girl and run along to work now
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Return of the Jedi (actually windblown, rust stained woman)
I have been poked into re starting my blog. I apologise greygal for the gap, but I spend so much time reading everyone elses, mine always seems a bit boring.
But we have been on "Holiday". Now for most the word holiday brings forth images of sun, drink, food etc. For us it means wind blown, wet, cold, wet, very cold, wet, very very cold, a bit of sun too fool us, then, ..... you guessed it WET.
Did we mind, did we complain, NO WE DID NOT. The fact that we had actually manged to leave the real world behind for a while and just potter around up the Kennet and Avon as far as Newbury and back again. To pretend that is was forever was more than enough
When asked where did you go on holiday, and we reply Devices, Hungerford, Newbury we get a sideways glance and (in my case from a few friends). Are you sure you are alright now?
I hope to blog about our trip and the Bristol Regatta over the next few weeks, but there is slight problem.
Although I took the computer, printed out many Log pages to diligently fill in, Camera plus little printer to print out the many photos I was going to take, I actually wrote Sod All!!! I hang my head in shame. It is still all in my head.
Some headings to tease you with:
Teaching the Dog to Swim (falling off plank)
Teaching the Dog to walk the sides of the boat (dog falling in)
Dog refusing to leave or board boat unless carried due to phobia of water because of several dunkings.
Training sessions with many novice crews (including the ones who thought we would operate all of the Cain Flight for them)
Determined sitting out on an evening wrapped in blankets, jumpers and coats because I had promised myself I would etc
I think you get the idea - You may wish I never started!!
I have to actually get some of the events passed Deputy Editor (husband) and Deputy Deputy Editor (Daughter).
Anyway, must dash, daughter just returned from School and I have to get the canteen working and the taxi out of drive!!
But we have been on "Holiday". Now for most the word holiday brings forth images of sun, drink, food etc. For us it means wind blown, wet, cold, wet, very cold, wet, very very cold, a bit of sun too fool us, then, ..... you guessed it WET.
Did we mind, did we complain, NO WE DID NOT. The fact that we had actually manged to leave the real world behind for a while and just potter around up the Kennet and Avon as far as Newbury and back again. To pretend that is was forever was more than enough
When asked where did you go on holiday, and we reply Devices, Hungerford, Newbury we get a sideways glance and (in my case from a few friends). Are you sure you are alright now?
I hope to blog about our trip and the Bristol Regatta over the next few weeks, but there is slight problem.
Although I took the computer, printed out many Log pages to diligently fill in, Camera plus little printer to print out the many photos I was going to take, I actually wrote Sod All!!! I hang my head in shame. It is still all in my head.
Some headings to tease you with:
Teaching the Dog to Swim (falling off plank)
Teaching the Dog to walk the sides of the boat (dog falling in)
Dog refusing to leave or board boat unless carried due to phobia of water because of several dunkings.
Training sessions with many novice crews (including the ones who thought we would operate all of the Cain Flight for them)
Determined sitting out on an evening wrapped in blankets, jumpers and coats because I had promised myself I would etc
I think you get the idea - You may wish I never started!!
I have to actually get some of the events passed Deputy Editor (husband) and Deputy Deputy Editor (Daughter).
Anyway, must dash, daughter just returned from School and I have to get the canteen working and the taxi out of drive!!
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